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Foam Glass

3 products

Foam Glass - London Lime

Foam Glass is a foam glass insulation aggregate, it is produced entirely from recycled glass which is then aerated to produce a glass foam granulate.

This makes Foam Glass a versatile ecological solution for many construction and restoration purposes.

Foam Glass can  be used for a wide range of applications such as;

Lightweight insulating alternative to conventional load bearing hardcore,

Insulated Floor slabs to traditional, modern and industrial buildings,

Breathable floors,

Road construction,

Reducing lateral loading to basement walls and bridge abutments,

Landscaping-contouring  and sports field construction,

Green roofs,  Roof garden construction and roof garden design,

Slope stabilization,

Swimming pool construction,

Foam Glass also has many other uses, if you are considering using a foam glass insulation for your project and require any further information please call on 01469531227 or 07743362408, alternatively email us at londonlimemortar@gmail.com


Please note we usually  sell in conjunction with lime
also delivery costs vary from our standard delivery costs 
please phone first

Recycled Foam Glass Aggregate 2 m3
Innovative product for use as an insulated clean sub-base