Limecrete Products
6 products
Limecrete Products - London Lime
With the need to improve the insulation of all the external envelope in old buildings, now insulating floors have an important role to play and the use of insulating breathable free draining subbases and insulating limecretes havebecome common place.
Limecrete floors offer an alternative to impervious, non flexible cement concrete floors.
These floors are also chosen for ecological new builds using natural materials such as straw and wood because it uses less energy in production, avoids the use of cement and is recyclable at the end of its useful life.
The principal insulation within these modern limecrete floors comes from the use of free draining light weight sub bases as a replacement for clean lime stone or recycled hardcore.
These sub bases consist of expanded fired clay balls or foamed glass aggregate, with fines excluded to prevent water being pulled up in to them through capillary suction. It is the air trapped with the fired clay balls or foamed glass that provides the insulation.
Innovative product for use as an insulated clean sub-base
Natural hydraulic lime NHL 5 is typically used in limecrete floors and for making lime mortar used on external works in exposed areas such as chimneys, copings or river and canal works.
Natural hydraulic lime NHL 5 is typically used in limecrete floors and for making lime mortar used on external works in exposed areas such as chimneys, copings or river and canal works.
NHL 5 is typically used for external works in exposed areas such as chimneys, copings, river and canal works.
Insulated clean sub-base.
Insulated clean sub-base.