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Secil RJ 35 Lime Mortar - oyster Colour

Buff Lime Mortar 25kg - £8.55
Buff Lime Mortar 25kg - £8.55
Buff Lime Mortar 25kg - £8.55
Buff Lime Mortar 25kg - £8.55
Buff Lime Mortar 25kg - £8.55
OUR PRICE: £10.50

Ready Mixed Oyster Lime Mortar

A general purpose breathable lime mortar for building or pointing stone, brick and block.
Ideal for conservation, restoration and newbuild. 
  • Solely based on Natural Hydraulic Lime
  • Compatible with old masonry & stone
  • Oyster Colour - Suits London brick
  • Traditional fine lime finish
  • Excellent vapour permeability
  • Breathable
  • Salt-resistant
  • Free of calcium sulphate
  • High adhesion
  • High free lime content*
Colour Cannot Be Guaranteed

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